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Fort Lauderdale’s Premier
Private Gun Club

Limited memberships are available now

Shooting Ranges, Cigar Lounge, Fitness Center, Golf Simulator, and More

Founders Shooting Club is Florida’s premiere private shooting club.

Members enjoy a private shooting range experience, in a safe, cool and clean indoor pistol & rifle range.

The shooting range features the very latest in safety technology, including touch screen controls, biometric security, and automated HEPA air filtration equipment.

The club also features exclusive social events with guest chefs from around the world, wine & bourbon tastings and guest speakers.

The Founders Shooting Club will not only be Florida’s premier private shooting facility, it will also be a community of family and friends who enjoy having fun, socializing and interacting with like-minded people.

  • A large member lounge
  • Cigar humidor
  • Table games
  • Boardroom for business activities and networking
  • Full fitness gym
  • Locker room with showers
  • Squash courts
  • Golf simulator
  • Reserved parking
  • On-site instructors
  • Biometric security
  • 24-hour access

Club Amenities

In a formal ceremony at the club on November 30, 2023, the Founders Shooting Club and our CEO Victor Grillo were given a proclamation from three mayors and six chiefs of police for our unparalleled work in the community and for promoting safe gun ownership.

Founders Shooting Club CEO Victor Grillo was featured in Fort Lauderdale’s Venice Magazine:

“Fort Lauderdale residents and visitors have plenty of choices when it comes to shooting ranges, but when it comes to being a part of a premier experience, that’s the Founders Shooting Club. At the helm is Victor Grillo, a self-described “serial entrepreneur” (he’s dominated in media, marketing, travel, consumer products, medical services, and the legal world) who opened the “guntry club” in August.”

Read full article…

Member Lounge
Shooting Range
Indoor Golf Simulator
Board Room
Exclusive Member Events
Firearms Instruction
Fitness Center

VIP Membership in Founders Shooting Club

To learn about membership or to book a personal tour of the club, please use the form on the right to contact our Vice President of Membership, Simon George.

5320 Powerline Road
Suite 120
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Phone / Text


Open 24 Hours

Initiation fee: One-time initiation fee

Dues: $229 per month

Includes: Unlimited use of the range with no lane fees and use of the other amenities in the club. Please see our FAQ page for answers to common questions.

The first 20 VIP members that join in September will receive $1,000 off of initiation fee!

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